15 Plants and Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage


15 Plants and Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage.

Jan 22, 2014 by JOHN SUMMERLY

A wave of viral and bacterial infections is sweeping across the Northern Hemisphere and people are taking longer to heal from an array of symptoms within the respiratory system. If you are resorting to conventional medicine to address these infections with antibiotics, you are not only adding to the problems associated with antibiotic resistance, but you’re also doing little to address the healing mechanisms within your body to address the cause. Herbal remedies not only boost lung health, but they can heal infections and even repair lung damage. Here are 15 of the best herbs to boost lung health.

(Click here to continue reading…)

Gulf Blue Plague to blame for death of Birds and Fish?

“What began as an Arkansas mystery has become a world wide phenomena. Thousands of birds, crabs and fish are washing up on the shores and falling from the skies every where from Louisiana to the UK.

On January 3 reports stated that almost 3 thousand red winged black birds known as Grackels and European Starlings fell within one mile from Beebe on the last day of 2010. An autopsy shows that the birds had mysteriously died in the air. Since that time studies on other birds have shown that at least 17 of the birds died of blunt force trauma top the vital organs, leaving more questions than answers.

On a twenty mile stretch of shore of a river between Ozark and Clarksville, Arkansas, 100,000 fish have died. Autopsies are expected to take about a month. Fish deaths have been reported as far away as Brazil and New Zealand.”


Okay—And some ridiculously claim fireworks killed all these birds and fish?? —What is more insane, those who claim that is the cause or those with sheep-like mentalities that believe them???

Here’s a question: If only ONE type of fish dies in a certain pond/stream/lake, etc, then what does that tell us? Seems to me, that whatever killed them was designed  ‘genetically engineered” specifically to kill just that one breed of fish, right folks? Next question is, what species will TPTB choose next to try this toxin soup mix on???

Now for some logical theories:  I’ve been doing a bit of research myself to see just what all these death’s have in common and drawn my own conclusions based on my findings.

First off, we must consider the chem trail spraying zones. That is a given—too many have video of it happening all over the world for years! What are they spraying?? Who knows??

A week or so before, as the video below will show, massive chem trails were streaked across the sky.  Not only in the Gulf, but over the NE Texas sky West of AR and LA—I saw it myself from my own backyard!

Second, the environmental nightmare of our life time in the Gulf  of Mexico by BP and it’s affiliates,  has now moved into the gulf stream and has begun to circle the earth’s oceans, seas, and creeping up streams and into lakes.  Along with this, water vapor rises  into the atmosphere and later becomes clouds which turn to snow and rain, falling to earth carrying the carbon based Blue Plague further into land.

Third, methane gas released from volcanic activity.

This might fit the AR bird and fish death, but not that in LA or in other places around the world.

What I believe to be the main cause is #2—Gulf Blue Plague with most likely additional contaminates from #1,  the chem trail spraying…..Both of these make common sense.

And here is an additional tidbit for those along the Mississippi River Basin area and beyond. What about all the seismic activity going on along the New Madrid Fault and the splinter faults off that?  Hot Springs is not called that for nothing folks. There is a volcano located in that area, yet we hear zip about that from all those highly paid federal employees which our tax dollars pay for…..???

Valley of the Vapors

For thousands of years, this magnificent site was the gathering place of many nations.

Tribal leaders and spiritual elders made pilgrimages to the Great Ma-na-ta-ka Mountain to sit in great councils with many tribes.

Some came every seven years, others came every eleven years, and others made the journey more frequently depending on local custom.

Tribal leaders prayed and made peace offerings to the Creator, the Great Manataka – Place of Peace Mountain and each other.

Click here for more info: The Story of Manataka The Place of Peace – The Sacred Mountain and the Valley of the Vapors…”

Silica: Proof of  past Volcanic activity around Hot Springs, AR


Hell’s Half-Acre

Hot Springs, Arkansas – Hell’s Half Acre. 

A place feared by locals and avoided by animals, even hunting dogs. Although it is called Hell’s Half Acre, it is actually an acre or more of huge rocks, with no plants, no growth and is an utter mystery to geologists. As far back as the 1870’s, it was public anomaly. some say that the gully of rocks is the crater of an extinct volcano that heats the thermal hot springs in the nearby city. geologists acknowledge this as a natural formation, but deny that it was once a volcano. it is said that the Devil himself lives below this bizarre, barren site.


Related links:


Blue Gold: Aquatic Property–Jesse Ventura Investigates


A great BIG THANKS to “FederalJackTube3” for getting these videos up on YouTube so fast!!!

Well done!


“Great Lakes” — NEW!
Premieres Fri, December 3 at 10P
They call it “Blue Gold.”

Water is the new oil.

Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 (Water Conspiracy) – PT 1 of 4

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

More on this topic

LisaInTX Recent Posts

Radioactive Isotopes Covered Up in Texas Waters by The Feds? Blue Gold, Another Conspiracy Theory right?

Alex talks with Michael Braverman, the producer of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory.


“Great Lakes” — NEW!
Premieres Fri, December 3 at 10P
They call it “Blue Gold.”

Water is the new oil.

Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.

Michael Braverman: Radioactive Isotopes Covered Up in Texas Waters – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Part 2


Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus initiates new Grand Master

St Lazare Foundation – of Prince Charles-Philippe d’Orléans
Duc d’Anjou
Saint Lazare Investment will be the largest owner of aquatic property and will thus face the prerogatives of future international ecological policies from the point of view of an influential investor in the Carbon Finance marketplace.

Water will soon become an instrument of power and influence.

The Saint Lazare Foundation aims to become an essential global player specializing in water. Its strength and distinctiveness derive from the three pillars on which it stands:

■ A think tank
■ An investment source
■ A centre of operations


United Nations
– World Water Forum
– World Water Council

European Union

– International Office for Water
– Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council


The World Society

The World Society was created to finance the Saint Lazare Foundation.

The World Society is a global network, which offers unique advantages to its members. It comprises those men and women around the world who are part of the economic, financial, social or cultural elite. The World Society is one of the world’s most exclusive societies. Joining the World Society is a unique opportunity, a privilege. The future is water. The members of the World Society are among ‘the happy few’ who will become key players in the future of our planet.

The World Society: What separates the elite from the elites

The object of the World Society is……the financing of the Saint Lazare Foundation and all of its activities. The World Society is a global network which offers unique advantages to its members.

It comprises those men and women around the world who are part of the economic, financial, social or cultural elite.

The World Society is one of the world’s most exclusive societies.

Joining the World Society is a unique opportunity, a privilege: fees and selection criteria are set accordingly. The future belongs to those who invest in it. The future is water.

The members of the World Society are among ‘the happy few’ who will become key players in the future of our planet.


Related post:

Water is power, and whoever controls the water controls the world!

What is land without water? What is a farm or ranch without water? What is a Community, County, State, Nation or Country without water? Without water or rights to water,  we humans and those creatures we nurture and raise for our livelihoods are made desolate.


Is this the future plans by the elites for our Freshwater Lakes and Streams?

America has become one big Indian Reservation: Russell Means explains

An inspirational visionary, Russell Means remains one of the most magnetic voices in America today. Whether leading a protest, fighting for constitutional rights, starring in a motion picture, or performing his “rap-ajo” music, the message he delivers is consistent with the philosophy he lives by, which states: The Universe, which controls all life, has a female and male balance that prevalent throughout our Sacred Grandmother, the Earth.This balance has to be acknowledged and become the determining factor in all of one’s decisions, be they spiritual, social, healthful, educational or economical. Once the balance has become an integral part of one’s life, all planning, research, direct action and follow-up becomes a matter of course. The goals that were targeted become a reality on a consistent basis. Good things happen to good People; remember time is on your side….read his biography here.

“Alex welcomes back to the show Russell Means, an activist for the rights of Native American people. In 1987, Means ran for nomination of President of the United States under the Libertarian Party and attracted considerable support within the party. On December 20, 2007, Means announced the withdrawal by a small group of Lakota Sioux from all treaties with the United States government.”




Russell Means: America Has Become one Huge Indian Reservation – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Part 2

Part 3

Additional Posts by LisaInTx


Eggdom Control in the Works?

While the FDA approved GMO’s, which has been shown in many cases worldwide,  to cause deformities, abortion, sterility,  brain damage, cancers, so many health issues I can’t name them all, they instead go after private industry to REGULATE them on safety issues. Let’s not forget Floride in our drinking water and oral hygiene products!  Yet another case, our government allows,  is the import of fruit and vegetables not even grown in America and who knows what the laws or code enforcement is in foreign countries?  I’ve heard some nasty stuff about the veggies coming from Mexico, how some use human feces as fertilizer….just plain gross, but that’s our insane government at work folks.

I feel bad for those who have become ill from this latest EGG ‘outbreak’, whether it was from their own lack of safety or from neglect at the hands of others. Growing up on a farm where we raised our own chickens and collected eggs fresh from the hen’s nests, I do not recall EVER getting sick from an egg. Now for those that may not know, if you get a carton of eggs and find one cracked, do you use it anyways,  or do you throw it out?

My personal safety tips are: To be on the safe side, First, if possible, open the carton and check for damaged eggs prior to purchase.  Should you get home with and later discover a damaged egg, I would  never use it, but would throw it out. If others have been contaminated inside the carton, remove them and wash them with warm soapy water, along with the container or place clean dried eggs in a clean bowl and refrigerate.

As to Salmonella getting ‘inside’ an eggwhich I’ve never heard of til now— if the shell is compromised, then I could see how a bacteria could get inside the egg, otherwise the contaminate would be on the outside of the egg, such as one covered from an egg that was broken inside the carton. As I understand it, most egg suppliers run the eggs thru a bleaching/decontamination process to kill such bacteria before being packaged for resale.  Go to this link for info http://www.thepoultrysite.com/articles/1548/smallscale-egg-handling-1

IF this bacteria is found to come from inside the egg,  it is my opinion, that there is something seriously wrong either with the feed given to the egg laying hens which passed through them into the egg or the feed caused the shell to be malformed in some way, perhaps a soft shell and then this contaminate was able to get inside.
GMO–genetic modified organisms have been PROVEN to cause deformities in people and animals and YES, they were approved by the very same FDA that are now after the private industry.

Latest FDA Findings: 8-28-10

“The FDA said this week that investigators had confirmed the presence of salmonella at Wright County Egg and in feed used by both farms. FDA officials have said they are still investigating how the contamination happened but so far do not expect the recall to expand beyond the two farms.”


Personally, after reading the story from the AP, IMO—it looks more like the FDA taking over another PRIVATE industry using FEAR and recalls as the weapon of choice.

Maybe now eggs will DOUBLE in price because of the loss in business? Or Maybe the companies should put a disclaimer on the packages stating instructions on how to maintain egg safety for those who may not have  been taught the importance of handling food safely?

At this point in life, it really makes me glad to have been raised a country girl—common sense is something that is taught by our elders, something that is gravely missing in today’s self absorbed culture of corruption, control, greed and total lack of common sense living.

Of course a thought on the dark side, what IF, someone purposely contaminated the eggs AFTER they shipped from the plant? Someone that wanted to bring in the FDA to control the industry? Nah…..that would just be a plain ole’  conspiracy theory right? lol

GMO Effects on Livestock and People


Illnesses linked to eggs will likely grow

By MARY CLARE JALONICK, Associated Press Writer Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press Writer 1 min ago

WASHINGTON – A salmonella outbreak that sickened hundreds and led to the recall of hundreds of millions of eggs from one Iowa firm will likely grow, federal health officials said Thursday.

That’s because illnesses occurring after mid-July may not be reported yet, said Dr. Christopher Braden, an epidemiologist with the federal Centers for Disease Control.

Almost 2,000 illnesses from the strain of salmonella linked to the eggs were reported between May and July, about 1,300 more than usual, he said. No deaths have been reported. The CDC is continuing to receive information from state health departments as people report their illnesses.

“I would anticipate that we will be seeing more illnesses reported likely as a result of this outbreak,” said Braden. The recall of 380 million eggs from Iowa’s Wright County Egg is one of the largest shell egg recalls in recent history.

The outbreak could have been prevented if new rules to ensure egg safety had been in place a few months earlier, an FDA spokeswoman said.

The rules, which require producers to do more testing for salmonella and take other precautions, went into effect in July. They had languished for more than a decade after President Bill Clinton first proposed that egg standards be toughened. The FDA said in July that the new safeguards could reduce the number of salmonella cases by nearly 60 percent.

“There are preventive measures that would have been in place that could have prevented this,” said Sherri McGarry of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

She and other officials declined to say what specific measures would have prevented this particular outbreak, citing an ongoing FDA investigation.

Hinda Mitchell, a spokeswoman for the company, said it abided by guidance issued by the United Egg Producers, an industry group. Those procedures mirror several aspects of the federal egg safety rule.

FDA’s McGarry said illnesses were traced back to eggs produced on three of five farms the Iowa company owns. The investigation, which includes sampling, records review and sanitation assessments, is focusing on those three farms.

Salmonella is the most common form of food poisoning from bacteria, and the strain involved in the outbreak is the most common kind of salmonella — accounting for roughly 20 percent of all such food poisonings.

Minnesota, a state with some of the best food-borne illness investigators in the country, has tied at least seven salmonella illnesses to the eggs. California has reported 266 illnesses since June and believes many are related to the eggs. Colorado saw 28 cases in June and July, about four times the usual number.

Other states have seen a jump in reports of the same type of salmonella. Spikes or clusters of suspicious cases have also been reported in Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.

The CDC said investigations by 10 states since April have identified 26 cases where more than one person became ill. Preliminary information showed that Wright was the supplier in at least 15 of those.

Much of the investigation so far has been centered on restaurants in California, Colorado, Minnesota and North Carolina.

The eggs were distributed around the country and packaged under the names Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemp……….”  (Click link for full story) http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_tainted_eggs

Associated Press Writers Mike Stobbe in Atlanta, Jeff Baenen in Minneapolis and Associated Press Business Writer Sarah Skidmore in Portland, Ore. contributed to this report.


Food and Drug Administration: http://www.fda.gov/Food/NewsEvents/WhatsNewinFood/ucm222684.htm

Centers for Disease Control: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/enteritidis

Egg Safety Center recall information: http://www.eggsafety.org


Latest Update 8-22-10:



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Our Food Supply: Deadly “Soft Kill” Secrets Revealed


Google search of Toxic Chemicals in our Supply
