US Double Standard and Hypocrisy

I couldn’t agree more with this take on US involvement in foreign countries and how THEY see us.

IMO—Our foreign policy is a nightmare that is a threat to the whole world!

USA and NATO Forces use DU on Foreign Soil

Hear what a former US Marine has to say!!!!!

Judge Napolitano on Government Crimes

I can’t drive…85!!

Okay, so now we have texting while driving, talking on a cell phone while driving, putting on make-up while driving, drinking while driving, under the influence while driving, etc…so why not RAISE the speed limit to 85 mph???

Are the Texas State Reps out of their minds here???? I think so. I live on a country road and the speed limit used to be 30 mph back a few years ago and even that is too fast most times! The road has no stripe and room for one car at a time, unless one pulls off to the side on the grass to let them through.

This speed limit changed a few years back and was done by some idiot obviously, making country road speeds to coincide with that of the nearest Farm Market road—-(which BTW is NOTHING like a country road),  has a stripe to divide the road and two or more lanes, some with paved shoulders.  Our closest FM has 60 mph marked on it, which means according to those who created this bogus law, that people can “Legally” drive 60 mph on our county road.

Now how safe is that on a one lane winding, hilly road with no stripes….with pets, children at play and the occasional livestock that escapes from their pastures?

It’s NOT….and the reason we moved to a rural location was to enjoy nature, not sit here and watch our pets and children get splattered by some led foot driver speeding thru here like a scene taken straight from the Dukes of Hazard!

High speeds also have been proven to cause vehicles to use MORE FUEL—-what about that aspect folks? Aren’t we constantly being programed and encouraged to be kinder to our dependency on foreign fossil fuels or was that all just a myth so they could raise the prices and gouge us at the pumps?


Texas Looking At 85 mph Speed Limit

POSTED: 4:50 pm CDT April 7, 2011

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas House of Representatives has approved a bill authorizing an 85 mph speed limit on some highways in the state. The proposal would give the Texas Department of Transportation power to raise the speed limit on designated lanes or entire stretches of roadway after doing engineering and traffic studies. The 85 mph limit would be the highest in the country. The House on Wednesday tentatively passed the bill on a voice vote. A similar plan is in the Senate. Jerry Johns with the Southwestern Insurance Information Service is critical of the proposals. Upping the speed limit to 85 mph would have a dramatic impact on the death and injury rates of those highways, Johns said.

Impeachment drafted against President Obama by Prominent Constitutional Lawyer!

Well here is wishing him LUCK on getting thru the total CORRUPTION to get anything done!

GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment

Ben Smith
April 7, 2011

A prominent libertarian constitutional lawyer and civil libertarian has drafted an article of impeachment against President Obama over his attack on Libya, throwing down a legal gauntlet that could be picked up by some Congressional Republicans

Bruce Fein, a former Reagan administration official in the Department of Justice and chairman of American Freedom Agenda writes in his 15-page argument of Obama’s course that “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”

Fein is a small-government conservative who worked on the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and also called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and his work doesn’t represent the Republican Party line. But it comes as some Republicans on the Hill, led by Senator Rand Paul, object vociferously to Obama’s decision to strike targets in Libya without Congressional authorization.

“He’s been more bold than any other president,” said Fein, who said Obama has failed to secure congressional approval for his military action in a much more brazen way than previous administrations….Click here for the whole story!

Resource Links:


Has the US Constitution been suspended?

Many called for the impeachment of President Clinton, then it was President Bush and now we have President Obama on the list. But here is my question, who ever heard of a  president “elect” dictator king impeaching himself?

Something I came across recently which gives new insight into the latest outrage of President Obama ordering the attacks on Libya without congressional consent and WHY Congress sits back and does nothing.

Seems, the checks and balance of the US Congress no longer exist, but resides with the executive branch since Aug. 4, 1990. Senate Bill 2834: Senate Intelligence Authorization Act—-IMO, this is why Congress did NOTHING when Obama ordered our troops to attack Libya without congressional authority. If not true, then WHY the inaction from our so-called congress??  (Now I understand why crazy stuff is crammed into bills presented that have nothing to do with what they are supposed to be voting on!—They have been slipping in these Constitution destroying items for YEARS and then they go back and combine them later!)

It was set to law years ago, but not used until the present time. What that tells me, is this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I have felt the “Noahide Laws” would be used at some point in the future, now I see proof, that these “harmless” sounding bills/public laws can and will be used against the American people. Think they don’t know what they are doing ?

This is an ancient evil thousand upon thousands of years old —the work of the ages— is unfolding upon the world! (Very interesting read, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)

For years, there have been revisions and add-ons to this bill and many others such as the creation of FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, etc,  giving the Executive branch more and more power.

We all should remember how Janet Napalitano-Head of DHS,  sent out alerts to all local law enforcement about US Patriots being domestic terrorist—-think that was an accident? No, it was a TEST and proves that patriots aka Nationalist are a threat to their agenda to come. (I woke up one morning in America only to discover the country I love has been hi-jacked by Lucifer worshiping Fascists….not a dream, but reality in our face!)

In addition, for decades,  presidents have been skirting congress by writing their own laws and policies and term them as, Executive Orders, National Security Council Memos, National Security Directives, and or National Security Decision Directives. During President Reagan’s terms in office, a man I admired for the most part,  is documented to have written over 300 of them!

People, its OVER! Done and gone. The country we knew as America is no more—-they only wait for their appointed time to spring the trap they have set for the sleeping/brainwashed/ delusional masses.

This great EVIL has infiltrated EVERY aspect of our society! They rule from BOTH sides of the political isle.  They control our media, schools, colleges, banking, housing, jobs, industry, healthcare, economy, private property, food supply, seed supply, waterways, transportation, fuel,  electrical power plants; our court / legal systems,  our military and our law enforcement agencies at local, county, state levels and Postal Service.  Think the post office is harmless? Not so,  when you and your family could/would be required to “register” there and they start separating your family for work detail or your children are loaded onto a bus for “re-education”…..and what if you should plan to fight them, they may just shoot you in the head on the spot and take your family anyway.

There is no escaping what is coming according to The New Testament—the time of the Gentiles is about to be fulfilled.

Our once great nation has been blessed with so many freedoms and privileges and I’m THANKFUL to Our Father in Heaven, that I was born and raised here.  Enjoy your freedoms and the life given you by Our Father;  cherish your family time and prepare for the spiritual battles to come. The time for the American people to reap what our nation has sown upon foreign soil is coming back to us full circle!

Here is one patriot, William “Bill” Cooper,  who tried to warn us.

Secret  “Alien” Agenda


Evil in the world

Do Not be Deceived! How to fight the demons and deliverance.



Behold a Pale Horse by Bill Cooper–

This is 1 of 18  audio book videos available on You Tube for those who can not attain the book.

Related Links:

“Humanitarian Aid” payloads now posed for Syria. When will they “Aid” the USA?

There was a time I took pride in being the daughter of an Army WWII veteran.

There was a time when I took pride in being the wife of a US Navyman, now retired.

There was a time when I took pride in our son joining the US Army to help others and to defend and serve our country.

Though that pride of them personally remains, because I know their hearts and intentions were in the right place, that pride of country has fallen into the abyss. The promise sworn to “Up-Hold the Constitution and defend our republic from Foreign and Domestic enemies” has long been forgotten and replaced by “International Law” with the help of corrupt traitors in high places.

‘Unconstitutional WAR and ACTS of war on foreign soil is NOT right—and to give it pretty terms like “Peace Keepers” or “Humanitarian Aid” does not change the fact that it is the USA leading the death squads upon people who have NOT attacked us on our home soil!

Horror stories told me by our son of the fighting in Iraq substantiates what Alex is talking about. Those so called  “Farm boys’ as he calls them, usually have been raised with morals and if the evil ones can corrupt them, they make good sincere sounding leaders. On the other hand, most of these same farm boys also know Right from Wrong and being ordered to commit acts of  war upon innocent unarmed civilians weighs heavy on them.

If they refuse to follow those orders or break down emotionally because of them, the Propagandist spew,  ‘well they just couldn’t cut it in the military or they are cowards, it’s Post Stress Disorder, War is Hell, etc’…..

But, the true reason many families fail to realize, is that WRONG is Wrong,  so please trust in and pray for your soldier and loved one to know the difference and to do the right thing no matter the cost to himself!

A battle for their Soul is being waged and that is more important than the flesh!

The US Army recruitment of foreign men into our US Army is a great concern to me—Our son brought home one from Haiti, and one from the Ukraine to spend the weekend on our farm. Though nice and well mannered, these young men are still  foreigners, who already come from foreign influenced de-stabilized countries, with unstable backgrounds. They were not raised in the USA,  so do not understand what America really is about, so IMO—most likely NOT loyal to the American people!

These men are being trained here in the USA to be killers in other lands. What is this called by our government and media? They refer to them as “Black Ops”, but yet that term also is called Terror cells….Blackwater, Al Quida, Hamas, Talaban  ring any bells yet?

People need to research and learn the truth of what is really happening around them. Seems we are destined to hang separately,  because the masses either no longer care, or too brainwashed to understand that our country has been hijacked by EVIL greedy foreign elitists.

I know in my heart, that all the evil done in the name of the USA is gonna come full circle and we SHALL reap what we have sown in other lands. God have mercy on us all.

May our Father in Heaven Bless and protect those who continue to try and show the truth.



Here is what Zionist war monger LIEberman wants!


And now a few words from past Presidents!



UN Powers Violate Their Own Resolution By Targeting Gaddafi
Paul Joseph Watson

March 21, 2011

As the contrived moral high ground behind the absurdly hypocritical “humanitarian” pretext of the attack on Libya collapses in the wake of Russia, the Arab League and the African Union condemning the US-led NATO bombings, so does any pretense of legality that the “no fly zone” resolution holds, because the obvious attempt to assassinate Gaddafi violates not only U.S. law, but the UN’s own charter.

Vladimir Putin’s characterization of the air strikes as a “medieval crusade” and his warning that the attacks prove why Russia has to build up its defenses against NATO is the most damning indictment of the campaign thus far. It follows an Arab League u-turn as well as an African Union condemnation, as all the lies and bluster about a “humanitarian mission” crumble within days of the assault being launched.

The Orwellian delusion that the “no fly zone” anything other than a cruel hoax became obvious within hours, as NATO rejected Libya’s proposal for independent third party countries to patrol the skies and instead launched an instantaneous bombardment of Gaddafi’s military facilities, strikes that have killed dozens of innocent people according to Libyan claims that have been confirmed by Russia.

From the very beginning, this war had nothing to do with “protecting civilians” and everything to do with toppling the leader of Africa’s richest oil nation.

Now western leaders have all but admitted that the sole focus of the campaign is to kill Gaddafi, as air strikes pound targets around the beleaguered Libyan leader.…



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Napule87 on You Tube says,

“I’m a former US Army Soldier & this completely disgusts me!How have we come to this point?Can’t believe the evil they’ve gotten our military involved in.God help us all.”

Landlogger says,

“A sickness, a deep evil is leading this nation and we all know it. You heard it and now what? More medals. He is a coward. He’s in Afghan with all these modern weapons fighting people with not much more than guns and a few other old weapons. Dear God folks we need to wake up. this is a form of insanity that is out there in our names. It’s not even a deal to kill little kids anymore. “

A Conspiracy Theory is now FACT! United Nations now dictates to the USA!!

The puppet king speaks!!! International this, international community that, when “the powers that be” have by design, orchestrated these events in order to overthrow the USA and this is all done AGAINST the US CONSTITUTION! When will our military leaders remember their vows and not go along with those who are NOT Americans and those who commit blatant in our face abuse of power????  Serve OUR country and our people, not the special / best interests of foreign nations / entities!

Why are our elected officials who swore to uphold US Law and our Constitution not REVOLTING at this latest abuse of power outrage? IMO—-it’s just a matter of time before they do and on cue, when they are TOLD to by whoever controls their strings. And when the American people finally get enough and rebel, then the UN will treat the USA the same way as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Libya!

March 20, 2011

Obama Attacks Libya, and Where’s Congress?

By J.B. Williams

On the eighth anniversary of the day President George W. Bush ordered U.S. troops into Iraq in 2003, with the full support of the U.S. Congress and majority support from the U.N. Security Council, Barack Obama launched a Tomahawk missile assault on the sovereign nation of Libya with no majority support in the U.N. and without even consulting Congress.

Acting alone while Congress was away on recess, solely at the command of the United Nations and without constitutional authority, Barack Obama dropped over $70 million worth of Tomahawk missiles on Libya — a dictatorial maneuver to force a regime change in a foreign land.
Under what authority did Obama green-light this dictatorial assault?  To be certain, Qadaffi is no prize, but what Obama just did is nevertheless unacceptable.  Acting all alone in a truly imperialistic fashion, Obama violated his oath of office, Articles I and II of the U.S. Constitution, and the War Powers Act — all in one mindless, knee-jerk decision.
Article II, Section II of the U.S. Constitution identifies the U.S. president as the commander-in-chief and the civilian oversight of the U.S. military.  But the clause gives the U.S. president no authority to use military might to enforce his political will upon foreign nations.
Article I, Section VIII of the U.S. Constitution bestows the power to declare war solely on the U.S. Congress.  It requires both the commander-in-chief and Congress to commit U.S. troops to combat, without which any deployment of troops is wholly unconstitutional.
The 1973 War Powers Act was put in place to prevent a U.S. president from doing exactly what Barack Obama just did.
SEC. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.
A U.S. commander-in-chief can order use of military force under only three specific conditions:
  • 1. a declaration of war,
  • 2. specific statutory authorization, or
  • 3. a national emergency created byan attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
The U.S. Congress has not declared war against a foreign nation since WWII.  But when George W. Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq following the September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. soil, not only did he not consult Congress in advance, but he sought and received specific statutory authorization from Congress before ordering troops into combat.  Bush complied with the Constitution and the War Powers Act under conditions (2) and (3).  He also had a broad coalition of U.N. partners driven by years of U.N. resolutions defied by Iraq.
In the case of Obama and Libya, none of the three necessary conditions exist.
  • 1. Congress did not declare war.
  • 2. Congress was not consulted and did not give specific statutory authorization.
  • 3. The U.S. was not attacked in any way by Libya, which presented no threat to the U.S. or U.S. assets.
As a result, Barack Obama had no constitutional authority to attack Libya with over $70 million worth of U.S. taxpayer-provided Tomahawks, placing American soldiers in harm’s way in yet another war which cannot be justified even by the pursuit of oil.
Obama has acted alone, well beyond the scope and authority of his office and at odds with the national interests of the United States and the Constitution which he took an oath to uphold and defend…..go here for more of the story.