Mudfossil Reptiles in NE Texas Part 4

Documenting fossilized reptile creatures from the Permian Era in various stages of preservation and decay, including transitions to Iron Ore. Study/documentation Conclusion unless something really cool pops up. Thank you for watching and hope you found the information helpful. God Bless

Mudfossil Reptiles in NE Texas Part 3

Presentation of various fossilized Permian Era Reptiles found on our farm, including hearts, lungs, brains, how the body decays and transitions to “concrete and gravel” phase, transition of different organs to iron ore, tendons, bones

Hydra Serpents Dragons were they real-part 4

Talking snakes? 7 headed beasts? War in Heaven? Satan? Katabole? Dragons, Sea monsters, Leviathan, Dinosaurs, Crocodiles, Jackals, Vipers, Scorpions, Locusts, etc and this just a few from the KJV Bible! Sounds pretty amazing huh? What could all these things mean? Well let’s take a look and try to discern them for ourselves. May our Heavenly Father give each of us discernment to see and know His Truth.

Hydra Serpents Dragons were they real-part 4

MudFossil Reptiles in NE Texas Part 2

Permian Era study with found fossil remains of various reptiles including actual nose, teeth, lower jaw; eyeball; eggs with yolks; body skin, bony scales and armor pieces. Hope you enjoy some of these unusual finds and reconsider some of the things we have been told and taught. God Bless

MudFossil Reptiles in NE Texas part 1

Can Dinosaur remains (internal organs also) be found in an organic and or a preserved state?YES! I find them today! What are MudFossils? What are some of the Fossil stages of decay? Did you know that Clay REALLY does not mix with Iron? (Note: Just as written in the Bible-see Daniel 2) Note: This video is in reference to Common Sense personal knowledge and observations which for the greatest part, differs and conflicts with most of Mainstream teachings or their hidden agendas. God Bless and give each of us discernment to better understand our CREATOR, Our Heavenly Father who loves us and this wondrous planet we call Earth. Please don’t forget to “LIKE’ or Subscribe to my channel or Share this video. Thank you for watching. 🙂

Hydras Serpents Dragons Part 3 Did Mankind Exist with Giant Reptiles

Could mankind have existed during the age of “Giant Dinosaurs”? What does God’s Word tell us? When did the bulk of the Dinosaurs “Behemoth’s” and the “Leviathan’s” become extinct? What is meant about ‘the Foundations of the world”? Let’s see if we can find and discern truth from God’s Word in order to dispel the confused noise of Babel and their agendas. May our Heavenly Father Bless and give us discernment to know His Truth.

Hydras Serpents Dragons Were They Real Part 2

Why is there a 900 foot long chopped off serpent head laying on the ground in the middle of Sri Lanka? How many people know exactly who the “serpent” is or that his fall and destruction by our LORD Jesus is written of in the stars of heaven, given as signs, seasons and appointed times to us today? Using the wonderful Christian scholar Dr. Bullinger’s Appendix 12 “The Stars Also” , let’s see if we can begin to separate the “myths” of mankind and discern GOD’S TRUTH from what is written. 🙂 May our Heavenly Father continue to Bless this study and give each of us discernment according to His will.