3 Feasts Of The Lord-Why is this Important for Christians today?

3 Feasts Of The Lord-Why is this Important for Christians today?


Study proves that all 3 of the Lord’s Feast Times as written, represent our Saviour Jesus Christ. Why are most churches not teaching this in todays time? These times are easy to figure out using the Hebrew months, in conjunction with the Solar Degree Chart and then applying the Gregorian time we use today. God gave us a TIME FRAME, that IMO will prove out the fact of the importance of this time as well as the meaning of these Holy Feasts that HE Established for us to remember always and commanded us to also teach future generations the importance of them. God Bless and hope you find this brief introduction helpful in your study of our Heavenly Father’s Word.

ChemTrails-ConTrails-Blue Sky in NE Texas

ChemTrails in NE Texas
This is a collection of a few personal photos and videos from here at home that I have taken over the years, with hope to show the difference between a ConTrail and ChemTrail next to a Clear Blue Sky. Understand, a “Clear Blue Sky” is what I remember everyday as a kid growing up, unless we actually had REAL rain clouds, etc, not this poisoned spray made by man filtering down where we and every living thing Inhales, ingests this stuff into our bodies making us weak and sick. 😦
I also have included an amazing occurrence of BlackBird Migration that happens here 2 times each year, along with some other various photos, and a “great Mystery”, I thought would bring a smile to your face. 🙂
Hope you enjoy, God Bless, your sister Lisa


TEBETH The 10th Hebrew Month Solar Degree Time Dec14-Jan13 on Gregorian

TEBETH The 10th Hebrew Month, Dec14/15 – Jan13/14 on Gregorian time.

This is a continuance of our study of the Biblical months as found in the KJV Bible and aligning them with the Solar Degree chart to better discern the time we live in as changed to the Gregorian time.
What does the word Tebeth mean? What does the number 10 mean or represent in the Bible?
May our Heavenly Father bless each of us with eyes to see and ears to hear.
 TEBETH The 10th Hebrew Month Part 1 Dec14 – Jan13th. Defining the meaning of the word “Tebeth” as found in the book of Esther 2:16

TEBETH-The 10th Hebrew Month part 2 Dec14 – Jan13th, the priest courses.
This is a continuance of our study of the Biblical months as found in the KJV Bible and aligning them with the Solar Degree chart to better discern the time we live in as changed to the Gregorian time.

TEBETH The 10th Hebrew Month Part 3 Dec 14 – Jan 13, This study we use EW Bullingers Number in Scripture the number 10 to help better discern the meaning of the number 10 in our Father’s Word.

TEBETH The 10th Hebrew Month part 4 Dec 14 – Jan 13 Study Conclusion
This study we look at the Strongs Concordance to find the monthly events that were given to us in this 10th month as examples, Gen 8, Rev 17 to point out a few.


UFOs in Religious Doctrines, what does it mean?


Ancient Mystery Religions are still very much with us today, are they so “cloaked and disguised” that we can not recognize them? What is the REAL purpose of so many religions in today’s time showing reverence to what is termed “UFO’s”? Why is there a UFO depicted on the ceiling above the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount Jerusalem? What does the KJV Bible say about “UFO’s”? The prophet Ezekiel described them as circular metallic disk, like the color amber, highly polished bronze.
Let’s see if we can find some of the answers and where it leads.

Discerning Biblical Time Solar Degrees


  Solar Hebrew Degree Chart

This diagram is a work in progress and was inspired by our Heavenly Father’s spirit and is given to help us discern Solar Degree scale. It is based on aligning the 30 day x 12 months as written in Biblical Hebrew months on 360 day cycle with 48 weeks per year.
This scale is attempt to discern God’s Calendar before pre-Romanized changing of times which have made it difficult to understand dates given us in God’s Word.
This scale is copyrighted with all rights reserved, but is offered free to all who would like to use it for personal use and home studies.

I pray all the following attachment diagrams prove helpful to my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. God Bless and may He give us all discernment and guidance according to His Will.


This is Torah clock shown in counter clockwise. Don’t let this confuse you. The Hebrew full “day” is divided according to and begins at sundown with 12 hours night “darkness”, and the “day” begins at sunrise with 12hours of Light to sundown. This equals a 24 hour day.





This shows where the Hebrew months fall on and in accordance with our current Romanized “Gregorian time”.



30 day Calendar divided in accordance to New Year Abib numbering leading up to Passover/Resurrection, along with the corresponding Gregorian month (March/April) with date in ‘blue”.


Understanding Satan’s Hour Of Temptation

Denying Satan Carl Bloch, 1850

Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us by ensample. Let us learn from Him what to expect and how to “escape The Hour of Temptation. What method’s did Satan use to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ? What did Jesus say and do to Satan?


Satans 7 Counterfeit Commandments: Beware The Noahide Laws


Satans 7 Counterfeit Commandments:Beware The Noahide Laws
Public Law 102-14 Education Day

Who did our Heavenly Father appoint as The Lawgiver? Adam, Noah or Moses? To worship Jesus Christ per this doctrine is considered IDOLATRY punishable by decapitation and guess who supports this!! Amazing Stuff!!
A great disillusionment and apostasy is coming for all the religions as the Religious Beast grows stronger everyday, preparing for that hour for Satan to fulfill his role in Our Heavenly Father’s Word & Prophesy as The ANTICHRIST.


Goyim (Hebrew word meaning Heathen, Cattle or dumb beast, Without God’s Word & Truth). Usage depends on who’s mouth it comes out of! The Zionist/Kenites who claim to be “God’s Chosen and Holy People” today, use it in arrogance and are delusional, vain, a mighty wind that our Heavenly Father shall make naked and desolate to the whole world. They claim to be the “Chosen People” in order to rule all others, so in their perverted opinion and corruption of God’s Holy Word, anyone who is not with them and their agenda are ‘heathen, Gentile, Goy”, and to be eliminated. Below are just a few examples of this theology…

A gentile … is liable for the death penalty … if he has invented a religious holiday for himself. Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Rambáni, Rambam, Moses Maimonides), Mishneh Torah

And be it known that Christian people who follow Jesus, although their teachings vary, are all worshippers of idols. Maimonides, Abhodah Zarah Perusch 78c

If we see an idolater (Gentile) being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah (Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 1990, Chapter 10, English Translation, p. 184)

All the festivals of the followers of Jesus are forbidden, and we must conduct ourselves towards them as we would towards idolaters. Maimonides, Abhodah Zarah, 78c, the Perusch of Maimonides, fol. 8

Do not eat with idolaters, nor permit them to worship their idols, for it is written: make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

Either turn them away from their idols or kill them. Maimonides, 4 4 Hilkoth Akum X,1

In places where Jews are strong, no idolater must be allowed to remain… Ibidem X, 7

A Gentile who engaged in Torah is punishable by death. He should not engage in anything other than their seven commandments alone. Maimonides, The Laws of Kings, chapter 10, halacha 9

It is a mitzvah [religious duty] to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah



Another reference site