Satans 7 Counterfeit Commandments: Beware The Noahide Laws


Satans 7 Counterfeit Commandments:Beware The Noahide Laws
Public Law 102-14 Education Day

Who did our Heavenly Father appoint as The Lawgiver? Adam, Noah or Moses? To worship Jesus Christ per this doctrine is considered IDOLATRY punishable by decapitation and guess who supports this!! Amazing Stuff!!
A great disillusionment and apostasy is coming for all the religions as the Religious Beast grows stronger everyday, preparing for that hour for Satan to fulfill his role in Our Heavenly Father’s Word & Prophesy as The ANTICHRIST.


Goyim (Hebrew word meaning Heathen, Cattle or dumb beast, Without God’s Word & Truth). Usage depends on who’s mouth it comes out of! The Zionist/Kenites who claim to be “God’s Chosen and Holy People” today, use it in arrogance and are delusional, vain, a mighty wind that our Heavenly Father shall make naked and desolate to the whole world. They claim to be the “Chosen People” in order to rule all others, so in their perverted opinion and corruption of God’s Holy Word, anyone who is not with them and their agenda are ‘heathen, Gentile, Goy”, and to be eliminated. Below are just a few examples of this theology…

A gentile … is liable for the death penalty … if he has invented a religious holiday for himself. Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Rambáni, Rambam, Moses Maimonides), Mishneh Torah

And be it known that Christian people who follow Jesus, although their teachings vary, are all worshippers of idols. Maimonides, Abhodah Zarah Perusch 78c

If we see an idolater (Gentile) being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah (Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 1990, Chapter 10, English Translation, p. 184)

All the festivals of the followers of Jesus are forbidden, and we must conduct ourselves towards them as we would towards idolaters. Maimonides, Abhodah Zarah, 78c, the Perusch of Maimonides, fol. 8

Do not eat with idolaters, nor permit them to worship their idols, for it is written: make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

Either turn them away from their idols or kill them. Maimonides, 4 4 Hilkoth Akum X,1

In places where Jews are strong, no idolater must be allowed to remain… Ibidem X, 7

A Gentile who engaged in Torah is punishable by death. He should not engage in anything other than their seven commandments alone. Maimonides, The Laws of Kings, chapter 10, halacha 9

It is a mitzvah [religious duty] to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah


Another reference site

Spiritual Egypt In The News today!!

Spiritual Egypt In The News, sign of the times!

What is UP with all the recent Egyptian names in the news lately? Did you know that Philae is also a temple dedicated to ISIS? That Serapis is Osiris?


Pastor Arnold Murray called home to our Heavenly Father


Pastor Arnold Murray a wonderful scholar and teacher of God’s Word, went home to our Heavenly Father yesterday, Wed Feb 12, 2014.   1929 – 2014
Thank you Pastor Arnold Murray for teaching the Truth of our Heavenly Fathers WORD. RIP beloved teacher, you will be greatly missed here, but we rejoice that you are with our Heavenly Father.

Our condolences and love go out to Pastor Murray’s family, friends, staff, during this time of loss.

The Browne Family


Scotland The Brave


From Shepherd’s Chapel web site:
“Special Announcement: We regret to inform the congregation that Pastor Arnold Murray passed away on Wednesday, February 12th. We have no doubt the Lord greeted Pastor Murray with a hardy, “Well done My good and faithful servant.”
Plans for a Memorial Service for Pastor Murray are in progress. Please watch your monthly newsletter for an announcement concerning the Memorial Service, as that will be the means by which we will announce plans as they are finalized.
Thanks for all your prayers for the family and staff of the Shepherd’s Chapel and may God Bless you.”


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shepherd’s Chapel Has Passed Away

WEB Notes:It is with great heartfelt sorrow I write this tonight. Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shepherd’s Chapel has passed away and gone to be with our Father in Heaven. 

Pastor Murray would be the first one to acknowledge God for his ministry and give Him the glory. But it also takes a man in the flesh to want to do our Father’s work. Pastor Murray was that man. A man who has lead untold thousands of people back to their Father. 

Lord, we thank you for giving us Pastor Murray, a wonderful man and teacher of Your Word. 

Pastor, we miss you already and we will love you forever. 

To our audience, please send your prayers to the Murray family and the Chapel. Pray that they all be lifted up and strengthened during this time of great loss.

A fellow member of the Shepherd’s Chapel wrote a beautiful letter concerning the passing of our Pastor that I will now share with you.

Click link below to read the whole story:

Has the US Constitution been suspended?

Many called for the impeachment of President Clinton, then it was President Bush and now we have President Obama on the list. But here is my question, who ever heard of a  president “elect” dictator king impeaching himself?

Something I came across recently which gives new insight into the latest outrage of President Obama ordering the attacks on Libya without congressional consent and WHY Congress sits back and does nothing.

Seems, the checks and balance of the US Congress no longer exist, but resides with the executive branch since Aug. 4, 1990. Senate Bill 2834: Senate Intelligence Authorization Act—-IMO, this is why Congress did NOTHING when Obama ordered our troops to attack Libya without congressional authority. If not true, then WHY the inaction from our so-called congress??  (Now I understand why crazy stuff is crammed into bills presented that have nothing to do with what they are supposed to be voting on!—They have been slipping in these Constitution destroying items for YEARS and then they go back and combine them later!)

It was set to law years ago, but not used until the present time. What that tells me, is this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I have felt the “Noahide Laws” would be used at some point in the future, now I see proof, that these “harmless” sounding bills/public laws can and will be used against the American people. Think they don’t know what they are doing ?

This is an ancient evil thousand upon thousands of years old —the work of the ages— is unfolding upon the world! (Very interesting read, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)

For years, there have been revisions and add-ons to this bill and many others such as the creation of FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, etc,  giving the Executive branch more and more power.

We all should remember how Janet Napalitano-Head of DHS,  sent out alerts to all local law enforcement about US Patriots being domestic terrorist—-think that was an accident? No, it was a TEST and proves that patriots aka Nationalist are a threat to their agenda to come. (I woke up one morning in America only to discover the country I love has been hi-jacked by Lucifer worshiping Fascists….not a dream, but reality in our face!)

In addition, for decades,  presidents have been skirting congress by writing their own laws and policies and term them as, Executive Orders, National Security Council Memos, National Security Directives, and or National Security Decision Directives. During President Reagan’s terms in office, a man I admired for the most part,  is documented to have written over 300 of them!

People, its OVER! Done and gone. The country we knew as America is no more—-they only wait for their appointed time to spring the trap they have set for the sleeping/brainwashed/ delusional masses.

This great EVIL has infiltrated EVERY aspect of our society! They rule from BOTH sides of the political isle.  They control our media, schools, colleges, banking, housing, jobs, industry, healthcare, economy, private property, food supply, seed supply, waterways, transportation, fuel,  electrical power plants; our court / legal systems,  our military and our law enforcement agencies at local, county, state levels and Postal Service.  Think the post office is harmless? Not so,  when you and your family could/would be required to “register” there and they start separating your family for work detail or your children are loaded onto a bus for “re-education”…..and what if you should plan to fight them, they may just shoot you in the head on the spot and take your family anyway.

There is no escaping what is coming according to The New Testament—the time of the Gentiles is about to be fulfilled.

Our once great nation has been blessed with so many freedoms and privileges and I’m THANKFUL to Our Father in Heaven, that I was born and raised here.  Enjoy your freedoms and the life given you by Our Father;  cherish your family time and prepare for the spiritual battles to come. The time for the American people to reap what our nation has sown upon foreign soil is coming back to us full circle!

Here is one patriot, William “Bill” Cooper,  who tried to warn us.

Secret  “Alien” Agenda


Evil in the world

Do Not be Deceived! How to fight the demons and deliverance.



Behold a Pale Horse by Bill Cooper–

This is 1 of 18  audio book videos available on You Tube for those who can not attain the book.

Related Links:

Earth getting a Second Sun or is this a cover-up for the arrival of Nibiru, planet X?

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012

Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily.

Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to Betelgeuse, one of the night sky’s brightest stars, is losing mass, indicating it is collapsing. It could run out of fuel and go super-nova at any time.

When that happens, for at least a few weeks, we’d see a second sun, Carter says. There may also be no night during that timeframe.

The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012, Carter says… or it could take longer. The explosion could also cause a neutron star or result in the formation of a black hole 1300 light years from Earth, reports

But doomsday sayers should be careful about speculation on this one. If the star does go super-nova, Earth will be showered with harmless particles, according to Carter. “They will flood through the Earth and bizarrely enough, even though the supernova we see visually will light up the night sky, 99 per cent of the energy in the supernova is released in these particles that will come through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm whatsoever,” he told

In fact, a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth. According to Carter this “star stuff” makes up the universe. “It literally makes things like gold, silver – all the heavy elements – even things like uranium….a star like Betelgeuse is instantly forming for us all sorts of heavy elements and atoms that our own Earth and our own bodies have from long past supernovi,” said Carter.

UPDATE: To clarify, the article does not say a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth, but implies a supernova could be beneficial, stating, “Far from being a sign of the apocalypse, according to Dr Carter the supernova will provide Earth with elements necessary for survival and continuity.”

A New Year, a new chance to be reborn

Many Happy New Year Wishes to everyone I know and to those who wander here from other links.

To start this year off, here is something that I feel I need to address on a personal level,  as I have a son who is in crisis right now.

Many people think that being a Christ follower means being “religious” and getting caught up in the denominational confusion.  Having personally been part of that scene and seeing the spiritual life blood drained from so many over petty issues, I came to the conclusion,  read the Word for yourself, pray for guidance and the meaning to be revealed and it happens.

Maybe your reveal will not be the same as it was for me, but truth as He sees fit to give, will be given to each of us at the time of His choosing.

Some can easily denounce the love found in the Word or even that of a concerned parent, because of the RULES of CONDUCT stated and advised for us to follow, which they reject. They think they understand all about religion, calling it lame, etc,  because of the “hypocrites” that claim to be Christan yet who break those very same rules.

If they would take time to read the Word, they would know that nowhere is it written in the Word, that Our Father in Heaven considers us “perfect” or “Flawless”.

He is Our Father and as such,  the Word is set down to help guide us to the best path possible that He wants for us. True, we as parents should live a life that sets a good example for our children and others. But that does not mean we are always perfect or have all the answers or solutions to life’s problems.

Blaming others for ones bad choices does not resolve the problem.  But what it does do, is help destroy the trust, love and respect in the relationship, which is why it is used so often by the dark powers.

There is good and not good in this world and we all must choose the path right for us.  The not good, evil or dark side is always setting traps for us to fall into, always busy putting up barriers on the righteous path,  hoping to lead us far from Our Father and His love and forgiveness.

Being imperfect is part of our human nature and to address this, Our Father loves us so much, that he asks that we acknowledge our faults and wrong doings,  try harder to overcome our weakness, and learn by those mistakes and not repeat them.

May Our Father in Heaven find those in need and bring them to the path that He chose for them. That he setup a barrier of Protection around them and give them strength and courage to defeat the dark powers of this world. With love and in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

We love you son and want only the best Our Father has in store for you.

Project Blue Beam: A World wide Hologram deception, part 2

Continued from: Project Blue Beam: A World Wide Hologram Deception, part 1

Additionally, there has been a long series of bizarre suicides among British computer scientists, all of whom have had some connection to the United States Navy. What it is possible to ask before such a psychology of terror is this: would any government, corporation or psychiatrist willfully promote such horror today? The answer is quite obviously, "Yes." Government agencies and the corporations that work with them toward new world order are prepared to promote anything that will help them achieve their objective of total social control. As for the question of why: For one thing, if you terrify the public and make them fear for their safety, they will allow you to implement draconian law enforcement practice, disarm them and keep extensive records on them, and they only have to tell you that it is all to protect you, of course.

Alex Jones on UFO’s, Project Blue Beam and more

Secondly, it promotes the decay of the present democratic forms of political systems, and leads societies to search for alternative methods of political ideology. Of course, the alternative has already been planned. It is called the new world order and it will not have your safety or interests at heart. As George Bush said: "Read my lips." Fear has always been used by powerful elite to control and subjugate the masses. The old maxim, divide and conquer is being played out to the limit worldwide to ensure that everyone is frightened for their personal safety, and to be suspicious of everyone else. This, too, is mind control.

To go further in regard to the new technology which is at the base of the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to consider this statement by psychologist James V. McConnell which was published in a 1970s issue of Psychology Today. He said, "The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drug hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior. It should then be possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic changes in a person's behavior and personality."

Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telpathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality.

This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered "antisocial."

What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the "old" and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this "antisocial" behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth. Could this be the greatest mind control project ever? The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world order's absolute control over the populations of the entire earth.

I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy. If we go further in the different reports we have presented, we find that the mind control operations and technology include a transmitter that broadcasts at the same frequency as the human nervous system, which transmitter is manufactured by the Loral Electro-Optical System in Pasadena, California. Loral, a major defense contractor, has previously conducted research on directed energy weapons for Lt. Gen. Leonard Perez of the U. S. Airforce who was searching for a weapon that could implant messages into the minds of the enemy while urging his own troops on to superhuman deeds of valor!

The device employs electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies pulsed at extremely low frequencies (ELF). It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance. Weapons of this type are thought to have been used against a British woman protesting the presence of American Cruise Missiles at Greenham Common Airbase during
the 1970s.

This weapon can be used to induce total sensory deprivation by broadcasting signals into the auditory nerve at such high power that it blocks the ability of the individual to hear themselves think! The process employed by such ELF technology are described in various U. S. Defense Department publications, including one entitled, "The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict," by Captain Paul E. Tyler, Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy, which is included in a collection entitled, "Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology Edict," by Lt. Col David G. Dean, USAF. The paper was delivered in 1984 and the collection published 1986 by Air University Press, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama.

Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while remaining undetectable to anyone else. The technology is very simple and can be built by using an ordinary police radar gun. The microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies and can broadcast messages directly into the brain. Now here we come to the NASA Blue Beam Project. The broadcasting of subliminal two-way communication and images from the depths of space correspond directly to that kind of technology.

In his book, "The Body Electric," Nobel Prize nominee Robert Baker describes a series of experiments conducted in the early 1960s by Allen Frie where this phenomena was demonstrated as well as later experiments conducted in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand messages delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed microwave audiogram which is an analog of the word's sound vibration beamed into his brain.

Baker then goes on to state, "Such a device has obvious application for covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with unknown voices or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin." Now figure out when we hear that voice from the new world messiah who would be speaking from space to all of the sane people of the earth who might give instructions to zealots and religious fanatics, we would see hysteria and social mayhem on a scale never witnessed before on this planet.

No police forces in the world, even as a combined front, could deal with the disorder that will follow! A 1978 book entitled, "Microwave Auditory Effect and Application," by James C. Lynn describes how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could actually allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Instead, it has been turned into a weapon to enslave the world. Allen Frie also reports that he could speed up, slow down or stop the hearts of isolated frogs by synchronizing the pulsed rate of a microwave beam with the heart itself.

According to Robert Baker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, which shows that it is technically feasible to produce heart attacks with rays designed to penetrate the human chest.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Both the author of this report and his colleague died of "heart attacks" only days apart one in Canada and the other while visiting Ireland. Neither had a history of heart problems. I should mention also that Dr. Baker does NOT participate in such research. It has been demonstrated that focused ultra high frequency UHF electromagnetic energy beams can be used to induce considerable agitation and muscular activity or induce muscular weakness and lethargy. Microwaves can also be used to burn human skin and aid the effect of drugs, bacteria and poisons or affect the function of the entire brain. These effects were all revealed at length by the CIA on September 21, 1977 in testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.

Who directed the MK-Ultra program at that time was forced to discussed the scope of the CIA's research to find techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means. So this is something that exists right now, that has been pursued to its highest degree, that can be used from space to reach any person, anyplace on the face of the earth. If we go deeper in that process of mind control over the people we find that the equipment and technology has been used to influence politics in a much more direct fashion. Michael Dukakis, the Democrat candidate running against George Bush in the 1988 election was targeted with microwave technology in order to impede his public speaking performance once the the public opinion polls showed he posed a serious threat to Bush's election prospects. He also claims that the equipment was used against Kitty Dukakis and drove her to the brink of suicide.

In the Disneyland world of U. S. politics, a presidential candidate with problems such as these, would obviously lose their race to the White House. In the December 1980 edition of the U. S. Army Journal, called the Military Review, a column by Lt. Col John B. Alexander, entitled, "The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock," provides further insight into the technical capabilities at the disposal of the comptroller.

He writes, "Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress have been made. The transference of energy from one organism to another; the ability to heal or cause disease to be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death from no apparent cause; telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to a distance of 1,000 kilometers have been reported. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with
no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate lives, and does not even require a telephone call.

"Other mind-to-mind induction techniques are being considered. If perfected this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not be aware that thought has been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original." This is exactly what we were talking about. The third step in the NASA Blue Beam Project is called the Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication. Lt. Col Alexander's article continues: "If it is possible to feed artificial thought into the multi-genic field via satellite, the mind control of the entire planet is now possible.

An individual's only resistance would be to constantly question the motivation behind their thoughts and not act upon thoughts which they consider to be outside their own ideological, religious and moral boundaries." Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising, modern education and various types of social pressure are used to manipulate those boundaries. It has been reported by Lt. Col Alexander who said, in the summary of his Military Review article, "The information on those kinds of technologies presented here would be considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality. But some people still believe the world is flat."

Now, this means a lot, because if people do not believe this kind of technology is possible, or that it is science fiction, those people put themselves in great jeopardy, because on the night when those thousand stars will shine from space, during the night when the new messiah will be presented to the world, they will not be prepared and will have no time to prepare to save themselves against that kind of technology. They don't believe and they won't take time to prepare.

Story found and re-posted here. Please go to for more information


World’s first commercial spaceport opened a runway in New Mexico. Flights could begin in nine to 18 months after Virgin Galactic conducts more testing. (Oct. 23)

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