Perverted Tyranny


The shining moment I shall NEVER EVER forget. Bowing to our enemy, a moment I knew without any doubt in my mind, the true conflict of loyalties of our Communist in chief!

It is now almost 9 months since Sen. Obama was placed in power of our great nation, The United States of America. During this time, I can not help but replay in my mind,  the many warnings that were presented and given by so many that had researched and studied this man’s background. The many that stated the obvious avoidance by the mainstream media to report any negative information about this man.


A man that tried to warn the world is Jerome Corsi, author of  the book, The ObamaNation, shown here in an interview with Larry King, including a lib’s opinion sub-titles.

I find it astounding that in this video, Corsi explains his findings and documentation, yet the other guy, a “progressive” named Paul Waldon, just does not seem to be listening.

1. Corsi states, that Obama was raised in a Muslim home AS a Muslim from the age of 6 -10 years old.

Answer: Obama LIES and states that this information was completely untrue! Even after documents show this to be fact.

2. Obama claims to be a “Christian”.

Answer: No one asked Obama to explain what he was taught or what he recognized & believed to be “Christian”.  It is NOT the Tradition understanding at all!!!  Look up- Black Liberation Theology to learn exactly what they promote.

IF he was REALLY Christian as WE understand the term, how can he then turn around and dare state that Our nation is not a Christian Nation, when our history back to before the founding of our nation,  clearly proves otherwise.

3. Corsi states that Obama had not been vetted.

Answer: How true in my opinion,  as No ONE has ‘dared’ come forward to admit to seeing any documentation required for a REAL background check on the man that would be king.  It is only apparent to those with common sense, that anyone that hangs out with terrorists and radical extremist, would fail a background check for a security guard, muchless that of the oval office.

No birth certificate, No High Schools records, No college Transcripts, No FINANCE information about HOW a mother on ‘food stamps” could afford to send him to HARVARD??? Please—-do we LOOK that stupid????

4. Words really DO MATTER!! Forked tongue Obama and his administration’s DOUBLE talk and DOUBLE meanings are used to confuse the topics asked. Gibbs is a not too cleaver ass that does this.

What folks need to do, is put the thumb on these so called Dem’s to explain THEIR interpretation of the words they use, as they have a totally different “dictionary” than  that of Patriotic Americans!!!

5. The demonization of America has GOT to TOP the list for me! The OUTRAGE I feel is deep that this man would go to foreign countries and make our nation out to be bad and pretty much the cause of all Global problems,  is unbelievable!!!

Or that his sweet little SOS Clinton (who I ‘stupidly’ voted for BTW) Would DARE BLAME the gun running in Mexico on America in her BOGUS ATTEMPTS to push gun control on our citizens!! Have ALL those so called DEMOCRATS LOST their every loving mind or do they not see their actions as ANTI-AMERICAN and TRAITOROUS??  Benedict Arnold was a true patriot, compared to the “Progressive Dems Libs’ of today!!!!

6. NO JUSTICE…..when two THUGS can dress up in black panther attire and carry billy-clubs at the voting booth entrance and walk scot free with the blessing of this corrupt/omnipotent administration,  the  REAL MESSAGE to them and those of their ilk as I see it is, Obama’s got your back boys….get in their faces!!

7. When Barney the banking Queen, Maxine Waters, etal…. of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are NOT behind bars for  LIES, negligence, corruption in the downfall of our housing market, I truly am in AWE!!!! Not in praise, but in vomiting disgust at how these folks are NOT being brought up on ETHIC VIOLATIONS!!!

8. Political ARROGANCE  and CONDESCENDING statements are sickening!! Do the words PUBLIC SERVANT not have the same meaning in their “Liberal dictionary”?? It’s time to make a stand against the festering putrid radical ideology that is assaulting our nation, beginning with our corrupt government.  Bring back our TRUE HISTORY, our founding fathers and our Constitution and all the things they stood for.

Can you HEAR us NOW?? We shall NOT be SILENT!!

We shall NOT go quietly into that good night!!!

We shall FIGHT for our Nation and our freedom!

God Bless America and our founding fathers!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. -Thomas Jefferson